Please how can i put image for center nw please help
weezzyyoung For image only use this code
<center><img src="http://IMAGE-url"alt="*"/></center>
Copy code While for image with link use this code
<center><a href="http://YOUR-Url"><img src="http://IMAGE-url"alt="*"/></a></center>
Copy code Then for image with link and text use this code
<center><a href="YOUR-URL"><img src="http://IMAGE-url"alt="*"/><br/><font color="white"><b>YOUR TEXT</b></a></center>
Copy code
Wezzy I what to put guid line for my website like yours
weezzyyoung Which type of guild line u dey talk
Wezzy That one that in your website so wen be red so what is your problem u did nt no guidline pls help me.
Paste this code at the up of the page u want to put the line
<!--h--><div style="border:1px solid#ffffff;solid;margin=1px;padding:1px"><div style="border:1px solid#ffffff;solid;margin=1px;padding:1px"><div style="background-color:black;border-style:ridge;border-width:2px;border-color:red;margin:2px"><div style='background-color:black;border-style:ridge;border-width:2px;border-color:silver;margin:2px;padding:2px'><table align='center' width='100%' border='2px'><tr><td align='center' bgcolor='black' background="http://url_foto-yg-dikehendaki"><br><big><b><font color="red">CONTOH DIV 1</font></b></big><br/><br/></td></tr></table></div></div>
Copy code and don't use foul language in this forum agian u hear.
Wezzy U are are dere now if u are dere just show me the thing right
Wezzy Guy that line that day your up wen day show red so how u tay do it and the up please show everything and that picture i love wezzmjoscarwap.tk please show me all those one i ask u
weezzyyoung Guy see the code for dat red line wen welcome dey see the code
<div align="center" style="background-color: brown; border: 1px dotted brown"><center><img src="http://wezzymjoscarwap.xtgem.com/great/Welcome To.png" alt="*" /></center></div>
Copy code